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quote image top leftHackMD is the Markdown Viewer that GitHub should have built. With no setup, you can track views, embed pseudocode, and even capture private suggestions from anonymous readers. HackMD is an essential tool for me and something I recommend to all technical writers looking to share their thoughts online.quote image top left
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Build like the best. Whether you're calling for feedback on your latest idea, crafting the next breakthrough in tech, or demystifying complex topics, HackMD is the online Markdown editor to help you build with confidence.From our communityRustSci-PyConda
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Focus on what matters. Build with speed using HackMD's robust Markdown editor. Streamline efforts across remote teams, create community guidelines and bylaws, increase adoption – all from one place.From our communityVitalik Buterin, Ethereum FoundationPatrick O'Grady, Ava LabsWBNNS, Base
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Harness the power of Markdown to collaborate in real-time, making it easy to draft papers, manage project documentation, and publish findings.From our communityThe Turing WayInstitute of Space Propulsion NCKUMarma J Foundation
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Empower the next generation of developers. Bridge the gap between education and real world experience with a lightweight online Markdown editor. This interactive and user-friendly platform promotes immediate feedback and active learning.From our communityBrown UniversityCode RefineryNCNU OpenSource
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Build your startup with HackMD. You shouldn't have to deal with the frustration of fragmented and outdated documentation. Keep your team in-sync, your docs up-to-date, and your projects on track with HackMD's intuative Markdown editor.From our communityEspresso SystemsCysic NetworkAztec Network
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Features that boost productivity

GitHub integration
Sync notes between two powerful tools.
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with Ethereum
Maintain greater control over your security, data, and digital identity.
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Comment and suggest edit
Streamline communication and polish docs effortlessly.
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Team organization
Manage team roles and access to ensure proper permissions in your workspace.
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LaTeX and UML
Create UML diagrams and write scientific formulas with plain text, all in one tool.
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Version control
Track every document edit, ensuring easy recall of past changes.
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What the community is saying

@manangouharimanan@manangouhariI hate how underrated @hackmdio is 🤌
@httpJunkieEric Bishard@httpJunkieCan we just all agree as a community to use @hackmdio? I'm going to write a novel with it.
@knowerofmarketsAdam Sternbach@knowerofmarketsDegens really care about reading posts about blockchain architecture on hackmd
@thegostepStephane@thegostepReality unfolds one hackmd doc at a time
@pseudotheospseudo 📜 🇺🇦@pseudotheoshackmd still on top
@adamsternbachAdam Sternbach@adamsternbachAs a crypto lawyer who tries to understand tech, HackMD seems to be the alpha.
@mauilionDuffie Cooley@mauilionThis made me think of @hackmdio which I use to solve this problem all the time.
@geekiedjBarbara ⚢ @geekiedjI really like @hackmdio
@dankvrjin@dankvrI love @hackmdio, I'm almost at 1200 notes. Best collab note taking app imo I can download all notes and import to Obsidian if I wanted, but I prefer working in public. The bookshelf:
@msccccMike Coutermarsh@msccccI use hackmd so that others can co-write/edit it before it’s “GitHub official”
@StalwartCoderAbhishek (key/value)@StalwartCoderJust @hackmdio is enough.
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